Winterize Your Wardrobe!


Winter Repairs!

As we head dead straight on for winter, we need to prepare! Winterizing your wardrobe is just like winterizing your car. Switching the all seasons for winter tires, ensuring your car fluids are topped off, packing an extra blanket in the trunk and double checking your snow brush is in the car.

Scan your closet, find those jackets, coats, parkas, sweaters and pants get them repaired! Get them winter ready.

Here are a few ways your can winterize your wardrobe:


—1. Jacket & Coat Lining

The lining of your jacket or coat plays an important role in comfort and completely utilitarian. It protects your skin from the itchy and scratchy wool fabrics, helps you glide your arms through the arm holes with ease and the lining acts like an inner wind barrier for those cold, windy winter days.

Solution: If you notice some wear and tear in the lining, ensure you get them repaired them before it gets worse! In the worst case scenario, the Needle & Studio can do a complete replacement. Customize the lining by choosing your own colour!


—2. Buttons & Zippers

We have all experienced the struggle to zip-up our parkas with broken or damaged zippers or the dreaded zipper starts to split from the bottom up. Have you noticed that you lost a button somewhere? Do a zipper test or button check before it’s too late!

Solution: If you have lost a button, we can try to match the button style to your coat. Are you all about uniformity — we get it! We can replace all the buttons. The Needle & Studio can also do complete zipper replacements for your favourite coat, jacket or parka!

-N&S Team-

N&S Team